Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Russian vs. Chinese Growth Rates

...Is the topic of my working paper right now. Its interesting stuff, given that both economies entered the 1990s as categorically Communist and have since engaged in liberalizing reforms (but to varying degrees and styles). The result has been spectacular growth for China but medicore stagnation for Russia; I'm trying to find out why.

I'll post it when its done.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Paul Krugman on Europe

And we're back to Europe. Here's an interesting takedown of the continuing Fourth Death of Europe (no points for guessing what the first three were).

Monday, April 2, 2012

Mark Thoma on Sticky Wages

Awhile back I outlined two models for the business cycle, both of which were predicated on "sticky" prices, which includes sticky wages. Mark Thoma at economistsview blog has an interesting post on the subject. Check it out.